
The Fantasy Trip: Decks of Destiny

Created by Steve Jackson Games

Many, many new cards and accessories for use with Steve Jackson's The Fantasy Trip roleplaying game! (Note: Every pre-order is assessed a base fee. This fee covers fulfillment costs, and the lowest floor cost to start a 1 lbs shipment with a respective carrier for your region. You will also be assessed with a second shipping fee that will cover the additional weight of each item you are adding.)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Stretch Goals Update, Including 85% of Surveys Complete Now Unlocked!
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 12:06:30 PM

With 85% of the BackerKit surveys now complete, you have unlocked the fighter-sized storage box and included it in the I Want All The Newness reward level. We've heard your requests to preorder extras of these storage boxes; we're looking into the possibility and will be back in the next week or two with an answer on whether or not we can manage that option.

Storage box unlocked!
Storage box unlocked!

Now that the 85% stretch goal has been unlocked, we're revealing a new 95% of surveys complete stretch goal: If 95% of the surveys are completed by July 29, we will add a creature card-sized storage box to the I Want All The Newness reward level. As with the other storage boxes, this one will be larger than necessary so that there is room for adding new cards in the future.

Stretch goal update.
Stretch goal update.
Storage box locked.
Storage box locked.

Stretch Goal Update

We have three active stretch goals that are based on number of backers adding specific items to their rewards. At the moment, these three goals are at:

  • 220 backers love the 25mm metal wizard die. If we can hit 250 backers, we will add a new 25mm metal dragon die to the I Want All The Newness reward level.
  • 100 backers love the Megahex tiles. If we can hit 250 backers, we will add a duplicate of the stairstep tile sheet to the box (for a total of 14 sheets).
  • 153 backers love the various dice bags. If we can hit 250 backers, we will add a TFT dice bag to the I Want All The Newness reward level. (As suggested, this is now a total of the available dice bags and not just 250 of a single design. Thank you for helping us to improve the project!)

And, as always, please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. We'll help as best we can, and we try to work reasonable and excellent suggestions into our Kickstarter projects when necessary. Thanks for the support, gang, and thank you for completing those surveys so that we can continue to move the project forward to completion.

- Phil Reed

BackerKit Stretch Goal Update, Missing Pocket Folder Now Available, Storage Box Images
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Jul 04, 2019 at 10:25:07 PM

In yesterday's project update, backer Christopher Kaster made a reasonable and fabulous suggestion:

"There is currently 123 bags spread out between them all that have been "Loved". A combined 250 "Loves" might be more realistic considering we already have a decent majority of the pledges answered. Just a thought..."

Octopus dice bag. Still locked!
Octopus dice bag. Still locked!

Christopher, you're right . . . and thank you for the suggestion! Effective immediately, we're revising the dice bag stretch goal to match your suggestion: A combined total of 250 "loves" across all five of the dice bag designs offered in BackerKit is required to unlocked the custom dice bag that, if unlocked, will be included in the I Want All The Newness reward level.

At the moment, we're at a combined total of 130 "loves" for dice bags. If we can hit 250 loves before the surveys are closed and locked, then we will add the custom octopus dice bag to the I Want All The Newness reward level. To "love" any of the five dice bag designs, select the bag as an add-on item in BackerKit and complete your survey.

Updated BackerKit stretch goals.
Updated BackerKit stretch goals.

Speaking of completing surveys . . .

If 85% of the surveys are completed by July 15, we will add another card storage box to the I Want All The Newness reward level. This new box is designed to hold the fighter cards; you can see images of the storage boxes below, including the treasure and rumor box and the labyrinth box that you've already unlocked.

Fighter storage box. Still locked!
Fighter storage box. Still locked!
Labyrinth storage box. Unlocked!
Labyrinth storage box. Unlocked!
Rumors and treasures storage box. Unlocked!
Rumors and treasures storage box. Unlocked!

Missing Pocket Folder

Thanks for the assist, gang! We (I) missed a pocket folder when we were preparing everything, but we've now corrected the issue and Darryll has opened that missing pocket folder on BackerKit. You may update your survey -- changing your choices -- until we lock things down (in about a month), and I am sorry that this was missed which was a waste of your time and a waste of our office team's time. This is my error, not theirs, and I am sorry.

Pocket folder available!
Pocket folder available!

Stretch Goal Status?

For those of you who enjoy watching the progress, here's the latest info:

  • 85% of surveys completed by July 15. We're currently at 74% for surveys complete.
  • 250 backers love the metal wizard die. We are at 188 as of this morning.
  • 250 backers love the megahex tiles. We are at 88 backers.
  • 250 backers love dice bags. As mentioned above, we're now at 130 backers.

How do we increase those numbers? First off, please complete your survey if you have not yet done so. Wrapping up the surveys allows us to better plan for the fulfillment stage of the project.

After that, directing your friends to the preorder page at BackerKit is a great way to unlock the "backers love" stretch goals. Preorders for the listed items -- even if the preorder doesn't include the complete Decks of Destiny box -- helps move us closer to unlocking those goals. If you have a friend who enjoys dice and dice bags, for example, they may be interested in the project even if they're aren't currently playing TFT with you. (And if they aren't playing TFT, get on that! You need to introduce them to the game and build up your game group.)

As always, we're here if you have any questions. It is a holiday weekend, so the team is resting until Monday, so emails to [email protected] likely won't be answered until next week. We hope that you understand and will be patient; the crew is likely to be a bit buried on Monday and Tuesday as they uncover from the long weekend.

- Phil Reed

BackerKit Stretch Goal Update
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 03:21:05 AM

The 70% of surveys complete by July 9 stretch goal has been unlocked! We will add a storage box for the Labyrinth cards to the I Want All The Newness reward package (Ben has the design ready to go; I'll see about getting an image from him next week, after the holiday break.)

Ongoing stretch goals.
Ongoing stretch goals.

Stretch Goal Reveal and Update

We have a new BackerKit stretch goal that, if unlocked, adds even more to the Decks of Destiny! That makes three active stretch goals in need of attention:

  •  250 Backers Love the Metal Wizard Die. 170 backers already love the 25mm metal wizard die, pushing us very close to unlocking this goal and adding a dragon metal die to the I Want All The Newness shipping carton.
  •  250 Backers Love Dice Bag: Lich. If unlocked, we will add a custom octopus dice bag to the I Want All The Newness reward level. Right now, we have 51 backers who love the Lich dice bag.
  •  250 Backers Love Megahex Tiles. A new stretch goal, and one where we already have 82 backers who have selected the Megahex Tiles as an add-on item. If unlocked, we will add a duplicate of the stairstep megahex tiles sheet to the Megahex box; a total of 14 sheets if unlocked!

We have roughly one month to go before surveys are locked, so there is plenty of time for us to unlock these open stretch goals and make the Decks of Destiny campaign even heavier. 

And it is not just backer support that can unlock these stretch goals! Please share the preorder page with your friends -- BackerKit preorder page -- and encourage them to join in the campaign. The Decks of Destiny project is not set for distribution release, so any TFT players who are looking to add this to their game will want to preorder today!

Thanks for the support, gang! Please let us know if you need any help; as always, email [email protected] for support.

- Phil Reed

Two BackerKit Stretch Goals Unlocked, How to "Love" an Item on BackerKit
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 03:06:13 AM

The 40% and 50% of surveys completed by July 8th stretch goals are down! At the moment, 57% of the project surveys are complete and those two unlocks have added:

  • 10 creature cards to the Adversaries package, for a total of 70 creature cards in the set.
  • A Rumors & Treasures storage box, packed inside the I Want All The Newness reward level.
Two unlocked, two new goals revealed.
Two unlocked, two new goals revealed.

Unlocking those two stretch goals also revealed two new BackerKit stretch goals that need your attention.

  • If 70% of surveys are completed by July 9th, we will add a storage box for the Labyrinth cards to the I Want All The Newness reward level.
  • If 250 backers love the 25mm metal wizard die, we will unlock and add a new 25mm metal dragon die to the I Want All The Newness reward level. This is a new d6 design by Liz Danforth; CAD images of three of the faces shown below. 
The one, three, and six faces of the stretch goal metal dragon die.
The one, three, and six faces of the stretch goal metal dragon die.


When we revealed the BackerKit stretch goals yesterday, I wrongfully thought that everyone was familiar with BackerKit and how their survey system works. One of the stretch goals was to "love" the Lich dice bag, and it is clear that I should have taken a few moments to better explain how BackerKit calculates the "X backers love it!" tag that they add to each item in a survey. 

For the BackerKit system, "love" = selecting that item and adding it to your rewards. So, at the moment, of the 250 backers love the metal wizard die stretch goal, we're at 120 backers love it. If you want to contribute to unlocking the Lich dice bag and metal wizard die stretch goals, you may modify your survey to add those items to your rewards.

Please note that the metric is number of backers and not number of actual sales. Choosing to add three of the 25mm metal wizard die to your rewards (you know who you are) still equals only one for purposes of the "X backers love it!" tag. Also, hats off to adding three of the 25mm wizard dice. You're clearly one of us!

Missing Pocket Folder

Lastly (for the moment), I made a mistake that was pointed out by project backers (thank you for the assist!). I overlooked a pocket folder that was unlocked during the campaign; we will work to add that to BackerKit today and I will sit down with Ben and take another run through the project's unlocked stretch goals and component list. Another review of the contents should help us identify if anything other than that one pocket folder was missed. 

- Phil Reed

BackerKit Stretch Goals!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2019 at 02:37:03 AM

The BackerKit surveys are in the wild and many of you have already stepped up and made your choices. Thank you! Completing your surveys early helps us to finalize the project and continue to move forward; please be sure to handle the survey ASAP.

BackerKit Stretch Goals!
BackerKit Stretch Goals!

BackerKit Stretch Goals

Now that the surveys are open, it is time to reveal the first of our BackerKit stretch goals. As many of you have already noticed, the PDF included 70 creature cards when the plan calls for 60 cards. If 40% of surveys are completed by July 8, then we will upgrade the total number of printed cards to 70 and include all of the PDF cards in the finished package.

Our other two stretch goals bring completely new stuff into the campaign.

  • If 50% of the surveys are completed by July 8th, then we will add a Rumors & Treasures storage box in the I Want All The Newness package. Ben designed the box to hold more cards than we're including in Decks of Destiny; space for future projects!
Rumors & Treasures storage box.
Rumors & Treasures storage box.
  • If 250 backers love the Dice Bag: Lich add-on (see the preorder page for info on # of backers love for each item) before the end of July, we will produce a special dice bag for The Fantasy Trip and include it in the I Want All The Newness reward level at no extra charge. The new dice bag will be of the same size and construction as the Lich and Skeleton dice bags; 6-inches wide by (roughly) 9-inches tall, drawstring, and satin-lined. 
Stretch goal dice bag!
Stretch goal dice bag!


We were asked about the dice that are packed with the various dice bags, so Darryll added images of the dice to the different bag descriptions. Check out each to see which dice we've included. (The Dice Dragon bag includes the first use of two new 16mm dice that were designed by Alex Fernandez. We will have to offer these dice in other colors in the future.)

The Dice Dragon bag includes two 16mm dice.
The Dice Dragon bag includes two 16mm dice.

And that covers our first round of BackerKit stretch goals! We will be back as stretch goals are unlocked and reveal more surprises as we can. Please complete your survey today and help us to unlock those time-based goals!

- Phil Reed